As my kids are getting older (Nikolai 10, Briar 7-1/2 & Erik, aka Biggie, 5-1/2) we try so hard to slow life down and enjoy the simple things. But in the same breath I have to say that their schedules are getting more and more busy. We honestly enjoy every moment in the car driving them from activity to activity, every minute at the table doing homework, every game at the hockey rink, every evening on the soccer and baseball fields, the list goes on! We are SO BLESSED with these three children of ours and I am truly amazed everyday with them and the beautiful, amazing people the are turning into.

*just a snapshot from Easter 2011 - not the perfect photo, but it just says so much who they are right now :)
All of this are the reasons I LOVE my job as much as I do— I know all of you feel the same way about your children and your families. Even though we’d like to, we can’t freeze time, so timeless photos are what we use bring back these memories. The way they looked, the way they smelled, the way they kissed your cheek (even the way they fought and annoyed each other). I am greatful you choose me to help you preserve these memories.
This little HOBBY of mine has turned into a JOB that I L.O.V.E. and I am thankful for it. I want to thank all of my clients and friends who keep coming back and who keep referring my name, you all know who you are. My business is built on referrals and it means the world to me when I know that my FRIENDS have helped me build my business, which in turn has helped myself and my family in many ways over the past few years.
I know it seems hard to believe (with this fabulous Minnesota weather we are having) but Summer is JUST around the corner. Summers are a busy time for everyone, I have spent a good part of the past couple days trying to “organize” my summer schedule. This job and providing you all with those special timeless photos is very important to me, but my full-time job as a Wife and Mom is most important! So, I have come up with a summer session schedule that I think will work great not only for our family but give my clients a good variety of session dates and times too.
I have general session dates and times set for summer, they are Monday during the day and Tuesday evenings. Also 1-2 weekend dates a month. Please contact me and I will try my best to make a time work.
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