Wednesday, March 31, 2010

April 1st Facebook Fan Drawing | Minneapolis Children's Photographer

The prize for my first "Monthly Facebook Fan Drawing" will be....

11x14 Styrene Print of your favorite image or story board from your next session with me!

If you are not already, you have one more day to become a fan on
Tell your friends too... the drawing will take place on the evening of April 1st and I will announce the lucky winner here on my blog as well as on Facebook.

Monday, March 29, 2010

more of Maxton James | Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

Minneapolis Children's Photographer

Hannah & Ava | Minneapolis Children's Photographer

I know Diane is waiting to see a sneak peek.

Minneapolis Children's Photographer

Minneapolis Children's Photographer

Friday, March 26, 2010

Alex | Minneapolis Children's Photographer

Minneapolis Children's Photographer

Minneapolis Children's Photographer

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Maxton James | Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

more of sweet little Max to come soon.
Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

Friday, March 19, 2010

Leukemia • Lymphoma | Minneapolis Graphic Designer

My friend, Jill Hansen (, trains with Team Ortho/Team in Training and is doing her 3rd half marathon this year in the "2010 San Diego Rock 'n' Roll Marathon & 1/2 To Benefit The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society."

I've been working hard on one of my goals for 2010; it was to donate my time and talents for organizations and causes that I find important and near & dear to my heart. I've done some logo designs for various events for my kids school (Victoria Elementary). I've also done some photo work for another local school. I donate design and photography to the CCHA (Chaska Chanhassen Hockey Association) and recently my daughter, Briar, donated her hair to the Pantene Beautiful Lengths. We don't always have the diñero to donate, but I do have some time and some talent that I can try to give!

I was thrilled when Jill asked me to help her with a logo for her team. They plan on printing t-shirts and selling them as a fundraiser for the The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Next year, maybe I'll actually run the 1/2 marathon... another goal I had for this year :)

inneapolis Graphic Designer

Go Jill!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

something a little different | Minneapolis Children's Photography

Here's a little something I did for a couple of my friends kids 2nd grade class. They are going to auction it off at a fundraiser - how fun is that?

This was something very different than I am used to -- I used a "green screen" and lights to take photos of the kids in groups of 1-3. Then cropped them out and PhotoShop-ed it all together. It was a "learning" project and I know I can do better next time (if there is one), but I think the result is very cute. PLUS the kids had a blast taking pictures and what a great memory piece of their 2nd grade year.

Minneapolis Children's Photography

Become a Facebook Fan | Western Minneapolis Suburb Natural Light Photograher

Become a fan of PaulieMarie Creative on Facebook!
All Facebook fans will be entered into SPECIAL monthly drawings to win FABULOUS prizes.
First drawing will be help April 1st (Prize still tbd).
Pass the word around and thanks so much for all your support and referrals!

Western Minneapolis Suburb Natural Light Photograher

Lauren | Minneapolis Children's Photographer

More to come of Lauren too -- just had to get these up as her family has been waiting patiently. And they are patiently waiting for their new little one and I can't wait to meet him in about a week!

Minneapolis Children's Photographer

like a son | Minneapolis Children's Photographer

This little guy is like a son to me (and his mom is like a sister) Alex and my little Erik are BESTEST friends.
Minneapolis Children's Photographer

more to come of Alex.... soon, I promise :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Baby James | Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

Ok - so I went a little "blog wild" with James, there were just so many great shots of this little guy!

Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

Minneapolis Newborn Photographer
Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

I couldn't forget one of the proud doggies... Lulu, wanted in the action during the whole session. What a face :)

Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

Little Miss Shaye | Minneapolis Children's Photographer

Minneapolis Children's Photographer

Minneapolis Children's Photographer

Minneapolis Children's Photographer

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

more pictures of Briar's Hair | Minneapolis Children's Photographer

Minneapolis Children's Photographer
Minneapolis Children's Photographer
Minneapolis Children's Photographer

Pantene Beautiful Lengths

March 1, 2010

I remember the conversation with Briar about my Aunt Carol and the battle she went through with Breast Cancer AND Ovarian Cancer. And how when you "fight" though chemo you sometimes loose your hair and have to wear wigs. She asked how they make wigs and I told her how people donate their hair. My sweet (and wise beyond her years) then 4 year old daughter decided she wanted to grow her hair out to be donated. We chose Pantene Beautiful Lengths.

Now, over 2 years later, we had quite an eventful night tonight... I had an appointment to get MY hair cut, Briar wanted to go along and have Kerri just "measure" her hair. As I was having my hair done the receptionist came up to Kerri and said her next appointment was cancelled, Briar's eyes lit up - but I was almost sure her hair wouldn't be long enough (plus, I was unprepared and didn't have my camera). Well, Kerri announced Briar had over 9 inches. After a few tears (Briar's and mine) and realizing how short her hair would be, she decided to go for it!

(these photos are from my iPhone... so the quality is not to my standards)

here is Briar once she decided to go for it.

cutting away the pony.

all cut and being styled.

she loves when Kerri styles her hair (not so much when I do it)

so happy with the results (our fabulous hair stylist, Kerri and Briar @ 6 years old)

I'll post more of the new hair-do and her filling out the donation forms, but I just couldn't wait to get these up, I was so proud of my little girl.

xo Paula

on a related note... after a hard fight my Aunt Carol BEAT cancer and was in remission of this awful disease for almost four years. But within the last 2 weeks we have found out that the ovarian cancer is back and she is on to another battle. Keep her, and all others who have battled and are still battling cancer, in your prayers each and everyday.

pat, pat, pat

Baby James | Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

Just one more for the night...
Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

Spence is TWO | Minneapolis Children's Photographer

Minneapolis Children's Photographer

Minneapolis Children's Photographer

Minneapolis Children's Photographer

Monday, March 1, 2010

oh my goodness | Minneapolis Children's Photographer

I told ya I had a bunch of catching up to do - edits and blogging.

Here's Max, he came to see me for his 2 year old photos, of course I had to get some of BIG brother Wes too. Such a cute little duo.

Minneapolis Children's Photographer

Minneapolis Children's Photographer

Seriously, could you just eat him up?

Minneapolis Children's Photographer

Again, yum-o.

Minneapolis Children's Photographer

Minneapolis Children's Photographer

Minneapolis Children's Photographer

Sweet Baby Ty | Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

I had a session about a week ago with this sweet, sleepy baby boy.

Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

I love baby parts, especially feet.

Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

I loved these family shots with big brother Andrew...

Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

Cracked me up how Andrew is eyeing up dad's feet here, I think he was comparing the sizes.

Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

Andrew was so good and patient with his new baby brother, here they are snuggling.

Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

It made my heart melt at how in love mom was with her boys (I can totally relate).

Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

More sleepy baby shots.

Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

A couple more of Andrew, I think he got to go to Target and get another Transformer for being so good at our session.

Minneapolis Newborn Photographer

Thanks for coming guys - it was a pleasure to meet you and hope to see you all soon!